Tuesday, May 26, 2009



All twelve Peeps below may help themselves to the SUPER COMMENTS AWARD...just copy it from the sidebar and use it, delete it, pass it on, or do nothing. It is yours for the taking--because you are the people who have been here for ME for more than ten months...almost daily commenting thoughtful and heartfelt words on my blog, and many others. Thanks to you ALL!


Mary Christine might probably recall better, but I'll give ya what I got. One nice late June day in 2008, I typed into a search engine the letters "AA". I was provided immediately Mary's blog, and, fortunate for me, her Email address was shown in ABOUT ME. Not for a long time had I met someone so helpful, so spiritual (I could "feel" it), and so nice, a complete stranger to me, and I to her.

In my thoughts (and words) we "hit it off"! In her thoughts--if any--were probably words like, "Who IS this jerk-off?" (Not exact words, of course-grin!). I was merely in search of a venue to vent, a place to expound, a page to publish. And I knew nothing--absolutely NOTHING about how to implement a blog.

During several traded Emails, Mary Christine 'talked' me through the process, and offered helpful hints, tricks and advice. She let me play around with it for about 10 days, and then one day "linked" me to her blog, and asked others to respond on "my blog". Imagine the smile on my face when I received bona fide comments from "real AA bloggers"! I learned then...that interaction is blogger happiness. I cannot thank Mary enough for what she did for me, then and now.

The following Peeps are those who
welcomed me in early July 2008...
and they are all still blogging daily!

1. Mary Christine

2. Shadow, my true friend,
lovely Shadow! You were first to welcome me here after MC did her "magic". And you and I stayed friends all these ten months, almost daily, how did that happen? All I can bet, is that God is here all this time, and now, with you, me, and all of us. And who knows how, or why--but God IS working tirelessly and always, behind the scenes.

All we must do is cooperate. And you surely DO!

3. Kathy-Lynne: Girl, seems like I've been reading you for years instead of months. Interesting how we all get to know one another pret-ty good, over months. In the beginning here I was skeptical, not believing half of what was written. But in the day-to-day battle of blogging, I have found that truth reigns--it could not be otherwise, and hold up under these daily conditions.

It is risky...blogging. I lay out my heart for inspection frequently, and once in awhile it gets trampled--but not by the people on this blog today.

4. Commentator was Banana Girl (or "J"), and what a bunch of sobriety I have found in you, dear lady. Thanks for being there...and here. I just know I want to say this to you, and each person on this list of twelve: that I admire your recovery programs, and I will be forever grateful to you all, and I love you.

5. Hello, Pam (Pammie). Thursday July 10, 2008 I 'met' you for the first time. I have enjoyed your humor, your sharp wit, and your strong, strong AA program so much--girl, you will never know! You are the good friend of my "appointed" mentor, Mary (she said), and somehow that makes you special in my mind. Even though I seldom 'see' you on my blog, I somehow 'feel' you there now and then. One day I hope to have a coffee with you, and look right into those 'knowing' eyes...and see those Gifts with which God has endowed you.

Your blog may not have been created to save souls or lives, but, in effect, you save both, in many ways, many days.

6. dAAve...what can I say? I think you are the greatest! I suspect we share the same brand of humor, although yours is much more refined--don't want to use the word "distilled"!!! And your blogs and comments for all these months have been insightful, perceptive and helpful to many and me. Thank you for so much!

7. Syd, I fell in love with your blog, your charm, your logic, your virtues, and your willingness to share everything, and your helpful advice for all. Your comments are always well-thought and succinct.

8. Zane: Where ARE you, Zane? DAMMMIT man, get back in here...I need you, I miss your honesty, and your down-to-earth writing style

9. Every time, Shannon, that I have a misunderstanding with a blog-friend--and that would include you, of ALL people!--and we resolve our problem, a new level of love is experienced by me. It's like, if I don't ever make a mistake, how could I EVER grow? I also love you for being there last July 10, to welcome me into this wonderful blog recovery community! Thank you!

10. Lou, Lou. We've also been through a lot--but mostly you. What a year this has been, a year of so much positive growth. You are a treasure, a pleasure to read, to comment, and many have grown in spirituality because of your God-directed efforts on these blogs. You are indeed appreciated, Lou.

11. Scott W...you were there for me right from the start. Although I see little of you these busy days, I see much of your work. I read your stuff every single day, for if I miss a day, I may well miss also an opportunity to help someone else, using a phrase, a sentence, a thought, a piece of your self which I might find there. Thank you forever, Scott W.

In one way or another, you all said to me, "Welcome Home, Steve. You belong here. Come in, sit down, have a cup...And then God took over." Grateful!

Peace, and Love,
Steve E


clean and crazy said...

This is so sweet and earnest of you to do. I know everyone is deserving and will truly appreciate your kind words here.

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

Well indeed the giving is the receiving... Praise be to you!

Response to your questions are posted on APOGEE Poet - thank you for both your visit and the delight of your comment.

Just Be Real said...

Great "peep awards" Stevie! Blessings dear one!

Lou said...

Steve-O-Sentimental, thank you so much for the words.

I got up this morning and what greets me but this heartfelt and sweet blong!

You will never know how one of your comments here and there have helped me over the rough patches (as well as others listed here). None of us realize, I think, the far reaching impact of what we write here. Much hugs and kisses to you.

dAAve said...

Zane will be back. He's just taking a little break from blogging.
Thanks for the shout-out. Your other choices are top notch.

Syd said...

Steve, thanks for this post. I remember when you first wrote. I'm glad that you did and that you continue. You have a great message for all. Thanks for being here.

Gin said...

That little cartoon on top had me rolling with laughter. Hilarious! Have a great day Steve.

Shadow said...

thank YOU steve for your friendship. i value it highly!

Shadow said...

and happy anniversary!!!!

Mary Christine said...

Well, gee, thanks. It has been fun to watch you enter the blogging world.

Banana Girl said...

Blushing all over! Thank you dear friend. J

mile191 said...

Hey Steve....thanks for the loving, the support. Hope you are doing well...mile

Kathy Lynne said...

How very nice, thank you Steve. While I may not be quite here every day these days, I'm always here. I've really learned alot from your perspective and appreciate it it greatly even if we're not always on the same page....xo

sarah said...

Lovely award post you old sweetie, and thx for the chuckle cartoon. I feel truly blessed that you have been such a friend to me and cheered many grey days.

thank you.

Sunshine days,


Sage Ravenwood said...

It's amazing that even online we manage to seek each other out for continued support. It's always a true pleasure to come here dear friend. I wish you many, many more post ahead. I'll be here in the wings reading and commenting. (Hugs)Indigo

Ed G. said...

Congrats on making it a year - seems so very far away for me now...

Also, thank you for helping keep the door open until I could get here and then passing your experience along to me.

I like your presence in my life.

Carol said...

I love a lot of the same blogs and cannot wait to see who has written something new. That's great that you've said so in a public way. You've all become important to me.