"Sometimes, it feels like being hung
out to dry, after being shot and gutted."
After reading a blog by FINDON earlier today, I began changing my mind on the meaning of blogging to me. Is it selfish, or selfless, or some of both? Is is worth the effort? Should I stay with it?
I DO enjoy writing. A certain lack of rules regarding content is almost like an AA meeting, without a chairperson. Is that good or bad? It suits me F.I.N.E. FINDON pretty well set it out for me, how to direct my thoughts--for now.
Selfishly, I do learn so much from your posts, and your comments on mine and others' blogs. I see a lot of give and take here, plus a lot of support and love among the Peeps...my peeps, your peeps, I love you all! My program would have a great failing without you, and my heart a great hole. So I'm IN it for the long haul! Please stay sober with me!
OK, I'll go ahead and say it, 'humility' be dammmmmed.
When I read a blog like yours, Findon, it renews my desire to continue blogging. Because, I'll tell you, sometimes it seems like such a fruitless exercise in futility--like, is anyone really out there receiving any benefit whatsoever?
Sometimes, after I write a particularly personal, almost embarrassing post, I feel like I'm being hung out to dry, after being shot and gutted.
Or am I just salving my Ego, by coloring my life for cyberspace? (Color me RED!)
I again (momentarily?) realize that it is SO worthwhile, to get these posts out every day, and that we all DO have an impact on each others' recoveries, on our very lives.
In a blog world like ours (in which you so warmly welcomed me last July) I would think there would be SO many disagreements, arguments, petty jealousies, and shoot-outs. But....none, there are just none! Is that not amazing?
All of us seem to realize that we either find safety in the togetherness of the recovery lifeboat, or sink, alone and lonely, into the depths of oblivion. It is that way with me. I'll play it safe. (Hey, this has morphed into a serious blog. Wow!)
Thank you, FINDON! Thank you. Now I shall continue to get out a blog every day--almost like a deadline. WAIT A MINUTE! Should I really be thanking you??? Hmmmmm? Or NOT! -grin!
Peace, and LOVE,
Steve E