Tuesday, April 14, 2009




Yesterday I had some time to wait for a 'happening'. There is plenty to do, but, being a full-fledged blogger by now, you all know where I sat my behind!

And I realized this past week was so busy for me that some of your blog entries got missed. So I spent one hour clicking back through the past few days to catch up. I commented on a few oldies, and as I'm reading your out-of-this-world beautiful stuff (AND the comments), I began to cry--right out of the blue (lips, and all!). I realized how important 'comments' are, to the overall blogging experience! How you all are here to help one another, either directly, or by simply and wonderfully reporting how you are living sober, One-Day-At-A-Time.

These tears--yes they're still flowing--are of gratitude. I'm once again overwhelmed with gratefulness for your blogs, for my having found you peeps last summer. I'm thankful for my personal growth which is a result of many events, one of which being God's grace as it appears daily on my monitor, beginning early in the mornings.

My days begin with Pammie, Mary Christine, dAAve, Linda, Vicarious Rising,
Shadow, Mary LA, Syd, Gabi, Kristin, AnnieK, Tyra, Banana Girl, PG, Hope, Atiyanna, Tracey, Jim, Ed, Jessie, Sara, Patty, Lou, Mark, Clean and Sober, Scott, Bill, Scott W., MILE 191, Just Be Real, SponsorPants, Socha, Sochie and many others, who are right here on my computer desk nearly every morning. I'm talking morning, like 4:30-5:30 AM, guys. What a group.

I'd probably not even get out of bed if it were not to check who has recently blogged and/or commented. Ya know what? I think I'm SICK--addicted to what messages you Peeps have for me/us each day. After meeting some of you face-to-face at an annual BBQ mid-June 2009 at Annie's home (near St Louis), I figure I'll become somewhat cured. (I remind myself of a guy who switches from Scotch to beer, to cure himself of alcoholism!)

I'm trying to discover a point for this blog entry. Guess it is a statement that I yam here to stay, and stay here I yam. Seriously, I've never found an AA 'home' in which the residents are more trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, clean and irreverently humorous. You bloggers, Alanon and AA, so freely give of yourselves, what was freely given to you. And I have been often the recipient. How can that ever be repaid? ONLY by service of some kind.

Sure, I pretend to know stuff, but whatever I have, was given to me. Whatever I write, I heard or read somewhere in our literature. If something is amiss, it is because I let my own brain insert itself into where it did not belong. Progress, not perfection: how many times have I used that line as an excuse, instead of as simple truism.

I may not always and forever work this program as I ought. But make no mistake; I LOVE our Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. I LOVE our whole AA program, the first 164 pages in every edition of our beautiful Big Book. I LOVE my God Who gave us this program, using two real alcoholics, really hopeless drunks, to show us that He can write straight, using a crooked pen. I LOVE Service work. I LOVE AA meetings. I LOVE you peeps, my most favorite people in the world, and I've not met a single one of you. I LOVE my family, and my wife. And I LOVE life! And I am just SO GRATEFUL! Thank you, all for reading my heart, the contents of my very soul.

I must read again Anthony De Mello's meditations on THE WAYS TO LOVE. Maybe every day, like Jessie! De Mello helps to keep me straight.

In LOVE and Service,
Steve E.


dAAve said...

I'm glad you're part of this community.

Ed G. said...

Thank you Steve.

Mary Christine said...

I am grateful for the fact that you are sober a very long time and are keenly aware that it is truly "a day at a time" and you never come across as an "expert" Thank you for that.

Unknown said...

Well said, Steve. There is definitely something special here. It's become a unique and irreplaceable part of my program.

Just Be Real said...

Stevie, you are so wonderful! I enjoy coming to your blog in anticipation of what words or wisdom and funny bone material you share from your heart! Thank you for being who you are, "real." Blessings!

Syd said...

I'm also glad that you are writing about your E,S, and H. You write as a real person, no pretenses and no pulled punches. I appreciate that. I also check the blogs early. It is a way to start the day off with some reflection. Keep doing what you're doing.

One Prayer Girl said...

As far as I am aware, I have given up all my addictions except my Starbucks coffees and reading.

A Vanilla Latte or Caramel Macchiato I just cannot resist and don't try to.

And the pile of books I'm currently reading grows over time.

I'm happy and sober - well coffeed and well read - Thank God

Prayer Girl

Anonymous said...

((big squeezy hug))

Scott M. Frey said...

I LOVE your attitude and I'm very grateful for your regular check ups on my progress lol :-)

Shadow said...

i don't care what anyone says, but blogging is an aid in my recovery beyond description. didn't know i had so many feelings 'til i started writing, heee heee heeee

Queenneenee said...

Boy you are just bursting with LOVE this fine day! That is a wonderful thing. I also check out many of the same blogs you do, I have learned a lot-This sober cyber community rocks. Thanks for welcoming me so warmly when I arrived. Have yourself a great evening Mr. Roni!

clean and crazy said...

thank you steve, by the way I just tagged you on my blog

Karen said...

Steve - This has nothing to do with this post but I want to tell you how much I like your contribution to Cat's production. Excellent.

Sharon said...

What a great, upbeat tune you have today! Glad to have found you myself!!

A. Miles said...

My recovery has taken on a new level because of the online blogger community. There was an alignment of many forces--I was ready for the next level. Feels good to find a place where people are doing the work so few in my immediate life are doing.

Not judging them, just knowing what I need and seeking it out.

Hey! I ride scooters! But I don't have a cool sticker like that. Right on! Ride On!