There is so much work here in 717 posts. Rather then just trash everything, I decided (during the 30-day grace period given by blogger) to 'undelete' this blog--and to keep it up as a static blog, until such time as.....BROKEN MAN
Here now stands a broken man--a shell
With countless years strewn wide behind
Of broken vows, banished hopes--he fell
Searching, seeking promise of a better place
--For just another drop his soul he'd sell
Ears ring--he hears an angel's bell
But too much to see, too much to bear
He languishes locked inside his self-made Hell
Yet deep inside that man's thin husk
Dwells the God of all Who can make him well
God's Eyes weep, His Heart breaks
He'd give His Life for this man's sake
And He did!
Goodbye, all of you lovely peeps!
Love...and PEACE!
"No thing is ever destroyed,
only transformed
sometimes into ugliness
but often--and surprisingly--
into a thing of beauty."