DIE-ETTE...Just to show you Peeps what it IS:
Medifast is the powder which makes me (if I close
my eyes!) A (melted) HERSHEY BAR. I drink 5 of
those 100 calorie thingies each day--mixed with water.
ONE banana each day, and lots of water/coffee,
yessss, COFFEE!! completes steveroni's "Daily Bread"
Saturday June 19, 2010
This is second in my weight-loss series, and I weigh-in today at 225 Lb or 102 kg, a total loss of only 10 Lb or 4 kg in 17 days. This is a bit disappointing, but I HAVE been cheating. Last night I ate half-bag of Tostitos--whatever that is. I was so hungry that it would have tasted like a gourmet appetiser, even had the bag been marked "DRIED RAT SHIT". So today, back on Medifast/water...
Ya know, Peeps, I can justify anything or everything. Example: When I write of a 10-Lb loss, translated into "steveroni" lingo, should read FIFTEEN POUNDS! My reasoning IS--that had I kept eating the way I was two weeks ago, I would have gained 5 Lb. And so, I add that...Y'all understand, RIGHT?
And THAT is what keeps me going--playing with the numbers! Just as in my old drinking daze, I would add water to top off the bottles which were each just a couple shots short of full. That way, I'd wake up in the morning and (really) believe I had all full bottles to see me through a weekend, or week-middle, or whatever!
Well, I shall "carry on, Shargant!" and report to all you Peeps about a week or two, with another UPDATE ON THE DIE-ETTE!
Copied from blog of June 3, 2010--
Wednesday June 2, 2010, steveroni began a fasting diet. I cheated. At the Thursday night "Cookie Meeting" (AA) I had 3 of Polly's homemade chocolate chip cookies...and I ate them S L O W L Y...relishing each tiny morsel.
But the bottom (Ha! So true!) line is, I began one week ago at 235 lb or 106 kg and this morning, seven days later the scales reads 227 lb or 103 kg. (About 3-4 lb of that loss is water.)
I must mention that I can again wear my favorite trousers--a bit tight, but at least they already are functional. ( And no, the tightness does NOT show my ASSociated bottom!)
Stranger, can ya give a starving guy a HERSHEY BAR???
Best to you on the Diet - don't beat yourself up (tho). Ya gotta be in it for the long haul
keep us posted - we are rooting 4 ya
A modest weight loss over the long term is better than shedding too many pounds too fast. From what I've read, the weight comes back and one is heavier than ever after being starved. The body compensates. Read Body for Life and it will give you a good idea of what to do to lose sensibly.
Oh greedy sweetie PEEP
102 + 68 (kilos) on a scooter!
No way! LOL :)
This is great you are trying to cut down on food what only has calories... but there are also these things called vegetables and fruit which keep away hunger and are So healthy... Have you tried that?
Stevie, why bother with all this at this age. You must be nice like a cushion!!! As Dulce remarked, poor scooter!
Will-power does it all dear Stevie. YOU CAN DO IT.
Joy and courage always,
10 (15!) pounds in 17 days really IS great! When you think of it, most people can only lose 1-2 pounds a week... so you're 5x's ahead!!!
Great going :)
What you're doing kinda reminds me of when I did the "Master Cleanse" (aka "Lemonade Diet") it's torture being limited like that - so I know how hard you are working - sooooo hard!!!!!!
A little slip like last night just shakes up the metabolism and kicks it into high gear - that's what I think! ha!
God bless.
Sounds like you are really losing.
I love your dieting technique of playing with numbers, the pounds should just drop of that way :D Wishing you well for the dieting days ahead, I don't think I could withstand such a regime for too long :)
There is a great food program developed by someone with long term sobriety for recovering alcoholics that balances and addresses the underlying biochemistry of the body's allergy to alcohol (aka liquid sugar). You can find it at radiantrecovery.com
Keep up the good work Steveroni! And if you can pinch an inch....!
And thank you so much for the amazing comment on my blog! Whatever I write, comments like yours make all the late nights worth while...thank you so very much.
good luck on diet!
I guess it's cool to go on a diet and actually 'kinda' follow it. It's also great to have your own "Steveroni's Math" Goodluck with that!
I just really wanna thank you for your sweet comments and for taking time to read my stuff :)
Die-its are very hard to stay on, where as, the extra pounds are easy to keep around. I have extra weight around my middle so if I ever get in the water I will float without and inner tube. lol!
I was at the store yesterday and a bag of potato chips followed me home. My weight gain problem is sugar. I love the stuff! It loves me too! It loves me so much it never wants to leave after I eat it. Comfort food…
Great post! Have a wonderful stress free day!
Happy Father's Day 2 U.
no offense but Syd's meals look so much yummier than yours - (smiles!)
Wow, I admire your will power!! You're good! I always call them my "true test of skinniness jeans". Um, let's just say they're in the drawer.
for me the trick has been changing my diet not being ON a diet...I changed my eating habits and follow the South Beach Diet..just like our program its a way of life..whole grains, good carbs, low fat, lean protein...don't even deal with quantity just quality..and it works...43 lbs since September and counting...and I don't even want that other stuff but a taste or two doesn't hurt....xo
oh yeah...NO SUGAR!
Hey, Dutch chocolate... :)
Don't get too skinny!
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