Sunday, November 1, 2009



Over a long period of time, I have heard about the adjustable wrench of Alcoholics Anonymous.  It will fit any nut which walks in the door.  Well, there are several sizes within the "family" of adjustables.   When I arrived, the heavy-duty box was unlocked, and out came the tools.

I do not mean that I was unique in the "nut" department--AA long-timers were used to guys like me who knew everything about everything and minutes later knew nothing about nothing.

For so many years I was so full of pride, that it will be many, many moons before I'll be purged of that first of the "deadlies" (First Deadly Sin--Pride).  

After thousands of hours practicing this AA program of Twelve Steps, I must yet be often reminded that the world does NOT revolve around me. That it is not "all about me" and never was.  I can forget that in a nano-second of anger, resentment, fear, lust, laziness or someone else's HERSHEY BARS.

For many years also I was consumed with my own worthlessness--a reverse form of Pride, of course.  Nobody could tell me differently, though some did try.  When I became "worthless" for too long a time, a few who had cared would begin to think, "Well, maybe he IS worthless!"  THEN my real Proud self would take over, to show them a thing or two about (again!) everything.

So the task I unknowingly allowed AA Peeps to undertake was to reduce my pride to humility. I say "reduce" when actually during the move from pride to humility is a raising up of the levels of self-esteem, of confidence, of self-knowledge, really "knowing" a few things about me and you.

The procedure for this activity is, first I had to surrender, admit I am powerless when it comes to alcohol (as it turns out, other things also!). Second I have to Trust in a God Who I cannot see, who Peeps call a Higher Power--if not God, What Else?  Trust that He could do for me what I could NOT do for myself. 

Then I had to inventory my thoughts and behaviors, and discover with "adult supervision" (sponsor--grin!) where they collided with God's plan.  Next I had to make amends, apologize, and CHANGE, that "big one"!  Meditation, inventorying, and helping others completed this "de-priding".

Actually, I wrote in error the word "completed".  because completion is contained in the word "CONTINUED" in Step 10, and implied in Step 12..."Practice these principles in all our affairs".  As I stated way up at the top, perfection is never to be feared--because it ain't gonna happen.  I wrote that the purging of Pride, from which most of my defect spring forth, could take more than earthly time, but it WILL happen.  Depending on the maintenance of my spiritual condition, Pride CAN slip away...as it does now and then.

Bottom line, for us alcoholics is "Do not drink, No Matter What", and with that, staying sober and helping others, one day at a time.  These--put together--bring me a large amount of happiness during whatever strife I find in life.  Especially know this:  BEING SOBER allows me to see the Goddess or God IN EACH of you Peeps, whether or not we agree on certain issues.  Know what I mean, Jelly Bean?

I realize this was a serious post today, but you should know that for me, this is NOT all fun-and-games.

LOVE, Peeps,
SOBER, Peeps
PEACE, Peeps.


John DeFlumeri Jr said...

Steve, i think it is a serious post. You got your point acros. Plain talk communicates easily.
You remain an inspiration.

Sincerely, John DeFlumeri Jr

cw2smom said...

Hi Steve! Thanks for your comment on my post this evening! It got my attention and made me think about my last sentence, which mentioned that I couldn't wait to tell my qualifiers about the episode! Your comment about "us losers" made me realize how inappropriate and unkind that would be! So, I thank you for that little wake up call! I've edited the end of that entry! Blessings, Lisa

Mike Golch said...

I am so glad that I stopped by today,yours was a message that I needed to read.Thank you for it.

Ed G. said...

Thanx for your experience.

Blessings and aloha...

Tall Kay said...

I loved every drop of this! It is the meat and potatoes of our entire program...with the promise of sobriety and a life beyond our wildest dreams! This is what it's all about. Wonderful message.

DreamDancer said...

purging of pride... hmmmm, that gives me something to think about..thanks for the post steve!

Dulçe ♥ said...

Nice post. So it's never easy... it's an each day after day procedure... and you do it so well.

Nessa said...

Your description of the duality of pride is a good one. It sure can mess with your head.

Book Review #5 - Merle's Door

Scott M. Frey said...

this is serious business indeed... I love the adjustable wrench analogy, I'd not heard that one before...

it's good that we can have fun while being serious!

Shadow said...

serious yes, but it needs to be said, and heard, every now and again. it keeps us on the right track...

wolfie185 said...

"That it is not "all about me" and never was. I can forget that in a nano-second of anger, resentment, fear, lust, laziness or someone else's HERSHEY BARS." How true how true.

Great post, I completely agree. We lost another one to the disease last week.

sarah said...

Always enjoy your inspirations Steve, great for the destress.
Thanks you lovely,


g-man said...

The TV works fine thank you...
And the sale price was 219.00!

I'm glad I stay sober...hehehehehe

Angeles said...

Somehow we all live in this fight, less pride and more self-esteem, trying to find the subtle difference between humility and devaluation.
Each post a rich teaching
thanks Steve:)

Anonymous said...

i love that you're so real! thanks for that!

Anonymous said...


Exactly what I needed to read when I needed it. I had a huge lesson today by doing my first ever 4th Step ~ so rereading the nuts and bolts in your post was reassuring for me. Today it was all about being free from the bondage of myself ~ to be more specific, my thinking. My pride, my ego, my self-centered thinking...all of it. What a great reminder and again, a time to be thankful to have such a program to turn to.

Hugs, Chef Kar

Laszlo Brown said...

How can one live life without a dose of humor to go with it?

Syd said...

I think that there are those who don't drink for years and years but are still not honest or true to themselves or others. That's a tough one to deal with.

Anonymous said...

Serious post for sure but needed. I truly have such admiration for peeps that have to deal with TEMPTATIONs. I have seen loved ones struggle and die from drinking. one day at a time and honesty is the best policy, tough to deal with. KEEP Doing what you are doing,.