My TRUE THANK YOU to Jess for sharing the Christmas Spirit Award with me. I am so grateful for those who share so willingly of their experience, strength and hope...and this award gives ME another one of those moments to express my caring, my sharing.
OK...MY sharing the SPIRIT OF THE AWARD: In the spirit of our Beautiful Twelve Traditions, I'm not going to designate certain award "winners", if you have not yet received this award, consider yourself one of MY FAVORITE PEOPLE (you ARE, you know!), copy-and-paste the award using your Blogger Dashboard. Thank you SO much, and join us here.
These are rules: Shhhhhhh: -whispering-"I don't DO rules very well!"
* the person to whom you give the award must also be in love with Christmas
* link back to the person who gave you the award
* list 5 things that you love about Christmas. if you can’t limit it to 5 things, then keep going till you run out of space! steveroni ran out of SPACE!!!
* pass the award along to as many people as you like. that can be 1 or 50 to keep the Christmas cheer going!
* let your recipients know that you have tagged them by leaving them a comment
(This is my kinda topic--"sharing love")
1. RIDING MY SUZUKI BERGMAN during this Christmas season, I'm out in the open on the roads. I like to look around at stop lights, and smile and wave at people. They cannot mistake the love I'm experiencing. Invariably, they wave back, or open windows, and say "Howdy", or "Have a safe ride!". I figure they just cannot believe there's this old guy out there being so happily ensconced, and enjoying life, no matter what...even a blong, red, stop light!
2. CASHIER @ Sam's Club was having an obvious 'bad hair day'--and he was bald! So Prayer Girl said something to him, and it turned out he was NOT angry with working through the holidays, or angry with 'uncouth' customers. He had a bad cold, he thought it might even be the flu, and he was suffering physical pain in a couple other areas. We left him laughing, happy that he had come to work this morning. WHAT POWER You let pass through us, my God!
3. DURING THIS SEASON I have learned that I can have conversations and maybe a--{{{HUG}}}--with my friends, and it means no more than that--we are good friends, staying sober and helping one another one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year, one decade at a time.
4. CHRISTMAS season allows me to realize the gifts God has bestowed on us all. That all through my drunkenness, He was working, using me, working through me. It did not matter to God, that my way of life was not to His liking, He still "brought me home",
as it is thus
with all of us.
we are now back home
to no longer roam
but to live with joys
all us girls and boys.
5. THIS SEASON allows me to return my thoughts to the good things in this world. And I can then be Oh so grateful. And one of those
things I so often to remember
those who did first set
in motion this sharing,
this wonderful caring
for one another
like sister and brother
this blog community
wonderful unity.
coming apart? but no!
God must will it so
to be for more than three.
for this, God, we thank thee.
I am referring to those who decided a number of years ago, to blog with each other, keeping alive the principles and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. And I do not even know who they are. I can guess though, that some are from--God, I hate to use the word--Texas, maybe Houston? And some from Colorado? And maybe Illinois? I know who these, our pioneers might be, but I do not thank them, can never thank them enough.
I have been to other blogs now, and am convinced that God directed me here. He did use a couple people--one in particular--to help me along the way to this magnificent place. Thank you, Mary C! For me, there is NO PLACE like our little blogging community, in which you've allowed me to participate.
Admittedly, it seems to have grown far out from its originally imagined and intended bounds. Growth is painful, change is painful, but the results of each can be a new freedom, a new happiness, and new opportunities for me to serve my Higher Power--God--and to spread His message of our Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, our paths to sobriety, peace, serenity, and happiness, those qualities of my new life which surpass all my understanding. Thank you BLOGGERS, thank you AA, and thank You God.
I love you all...really I do.
Your blong-a-roni
((big hug)) AND A ((big kiss)) (on the cheek of course ;)
I'm glad to have found you.
lol that's what I did - first cards and then the presents! One thing at a time and it all got done. Imagine that!
Terrible snow storm here, I'm moving in with you and Prayer Girl! Ha!
(It better be on the cheek.)
Love the rhyming Mr. Steveroni!
You have plenty of Christmas Spirit - actually you have plenty of all kinds of SPIRIT!!!
Love ya,
Prayer Girl
I'll send you one of manly hugs too. It is great to connect to others through our writing. And there is so much good stuff that gets shared in the blogs. Safe riding this weekend.
As always, you are a pleasant addition to our blogging community.
Ejoy your weekend.
Thanks, Stevie!
Now listen, feel free to list your honest opinion in your comments on my posts. I can take it. And if you are wrong, I feel I can be honest enough with you to come back here and yell at you and tell you why you are wrong.
Hope you are enjoying the holidays!
Now poems! Should I call you Shelley-O-Roni..
Thank you for your amazing spirit and the amazing words and hope you share with all of us!
You are such a bright, shining light. Thanks for being here.
You are a good guy Charlie Brown. I am glad to call you new friend
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