A spot in heaven is waiting for each of us.
Under our tree waits a spot--sans packages--
Each year for Bert, Our "Cat Who Rules!"
Never been to school
He never used a tool
Bert's not a fool
This cat does RULE!
Where ever (EVAH?) do I hear someone speaking of their "drinking career" unless she/he is a recovering alcoholic? What's that, you say? A "career" in drinking? Yesss!
It was a career which stole everything from me, my self-respect, my will, my meagerly-limited spirituality, my friends and lovers, my families, my jobs,my car, my boat, my abilities to perform as a violinist, my savings, my nights and days, my very LIFE. One must admit--a F I N E career choice--grin!
And this season of Christmas until Epiphany, allows me time to momentarily ponder where that "drinking career" would have taken me. And I get to meditate what I and others have gained as the DIRECT result of "Changing Careers".
It was a career which stole everything from me, my self-respect, my will, my meagerly-limited spirituality, my friends and lovers, my families, my jobs,my car, my boat, my abilities to perform as a violinist, my savings, my nights and days, my very LIFE. One must admit--a F I N E career choice--grin!
And this season of Christmas until Epiphany, allows me time to momentarily ponder where that "drinking career" would have taken me. And I get to meditate what I and others have gained as the DIRECT result of "Changing Careers".
Life of mine, not perfect,
Brim-filled with self...and fears
Yet could have been oh! so much worse
Brim-filled with self...and fears
Yet could have been oh! so much worse
As I look back these thirty-five years
It might well've been ME--back in that hearse!
--Steve EThis is my 35th SOBER Christmas, which well might NOT have been And that is why I say...without reservation to you ALL:
Peeps I wish you LOVE
Peeps, I wish you PEACE
And to those who want it...
We'll stay SOBER today!
Just popping by quickly before I shut things down for a couple of weeks.
I wanted to tell you that I too enjoyed meeting you as a blogger...AND!!...that you have a very happy Christmas season, and a blessed New Year.
See you again in 2010
Hey Sweet Man
35 years is such a long time... Half your life?
I wish you the very best, what you deserve. So special you've been and are to me. My peep number 1
I hope you can celebrate other 35 years of sobriety, love, peace, joy and laughter.
Lots of love
My sponsor tells me
that we have a new career
outlined in the Big Book
of AA, "we are His agents
and He is the principle".
It's entry level but we
get to participate in the
creation of miracles, working
with angels.
You are a fountain of hope for those who are struggling.
congrats. i'm marking ten years - 11 come July.
all of it, One Day At a Time...
Steve E said...
SECRETIA: Hope springs eternal...but I'm afraid not from me. I just call them as I see them from others.
PETE: How RIGHT you are, and thank you for the addendum to my "Career" posting. We have now the best career in the world, with the GREATEST chance for advancement, and the greatest pay schedule.
DULCE:, I am honored to know you, my favorite Peep Blogger. And you do it so well...both the "Peeping" and the blogging! Love!
HOOTIN' ANNI: See ya next year girl! From one AARP Peep to another--Happy New Year and Love.
KIM: Thanks for dropping by, I enjoyed my visit to your blog and will be there again--soon. Maybe even before your 11th --grin!
Always an inspiration. It's hard to imagine how much you have overcome with God's help.
Merry Christmas hugssssssssssssssss
you have an award at my blog. I had a friend to make it for me to give out to all my friends
its still me just change the icon
Merry Christmas Steve! Congrats on 35th! I'd like to put someone under your tutelage! :)
you're a living, breathing, smiling inspiration! merry christmas steve!
Steve, you're just awesome. I'm sending you some warm cyber hugs for Christmas. Hope you can feel them...
Merry Christmas Steve!! May the new year bring you more peace, more love and more words that make me think and laugh.
Wow 35 sober Christmas's, you have to love what God can do in the life of drunks.
SteveE, 35 years is a major milestone. I'm so glad you changed careers because now I get to know you and love you and be inspired by you. A great big Christmas hug to you! Love,Cat
Have a great Christmas Steve. I'm glad that you changed careers and became a blogger.
Of COURSE the cat is in charge! They take it as their simple due, and are to the manner born. ;-)
My father never had a cat until near the end of his life, in his 80s. That cat had him wrapped around its paw. It used to like to sleep in the sink!
Merry Christmas, friend.
Steve you turned it around and you made a difference. You give us hope and encouragement and someone to look up to.. so yes have a MERRY AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!
Hugs and blessings.
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