If you wish to write a story in exactly 55 words, let the G-Man know about it and he will respond. Then visit other 55-writers (there are many...) Go HERE

He called.
We talked.
We planned.
We met.
He said, "Will you sponsor me?"
I said, "I thought you'd never ask."
New job.
Picked him up at work.
Went to meeting.
He has Big Book.
He loves Big Book.
We talked about:
Doctor's Opinion,
And today being
One more day
We are happy
For guidance.
We talked.
We planned.
We met.
He said, "Will you sponsor me?"
I said, "I thought you'd never ask."
New job.
Picked him up at work.
Went to meeting.
He has Big Book.
He loves Big Book.
We talked about:
Doctor's Opinion,
And today being
One more day
We are happy
For guidance.
Picture: Deviant Art...When words aren't enough by Pisk1.jpg