Saturday, October 24, 2009



One day I could not stop drinking...the next day happened--was taken to my first AA meeting and I never had another drink. Who can explain that this powerful mental obsession, compulsion, physical craving had simply vanished overnight?
Almost like a chant, I have heard some of the groups sound off. "It works if ya work it."  "Meeting makers make it."  Today at a meeting one confused fellow asked, "What DO I have to do to stay sober?" You can bet he got lots of answers. I had forgotten that many peeps have different ideas from mine on "how to stay sober"!

I'm always put in mind of sitting at table in a new restaurant.  I KNOW I'll be having something to eat, but I don't know WHAT until I'm given a menu, and maybe a few explanatory remarks.

Also at a symphony concert, I knew it would be a night of Beethoven, but did not know  whether I'd be hearing String Quartets, Trios, a Sonata, or a Septet.  A PROGRAM (menu) lets me see what is first, second, third, etc.  And if I follow it, my whole experience will be greatly enhanced.

In Alcoholics Anonymous, I was given a menu of Twelve Steps.  And then I was told to ask someone to be my sponsor, and that HE would explain that menu to me, word for inspired word.  And he did. Only HE picked ME.  That way I could not "fire" him, because I had not hired him --grin!

So, I'll cut to the chase here.  While meetings are a wonderful place to learn about the history, the program, the Twelve Steps ARE our Program.  Working the Steps is the answer. IT IS THE INDIVIDUAL WORKING OF OUR STEPS, with Adult Supervision, which keeps me sober.

Meeting Makers Make It?  Yes and No.  It is the STEP-TAKERS WHO MAKE IT!

Peeps, I think of you all a lot through a day.
And I wish God's BLESSINGS upon you all.
And God's PEACE with you all
God LOVES you all, and so do I.


Tall Kay said...

I can remember hearing the chants for the first time and not understanding what people were saying. I like that everyone chants from CA to NY to CT to FL to Canada! Pretty cool.

Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path...the one with the Steps...as they didn't really have meetings back then like we do now.

I heard that meetings keep us sane and the Steps keep us sober! I'll bet you're a real hoot at meetings! Sure hope to find out one day! Thanks for a great post!

Unknown said...

Just what I needed to read tonight, Steve. Thanks much.

sarah said...

Yes you would be talking about food in your post today, food glorious food, yum! Just when I am dieting. Is it like that when you stop drinking suddenly temptation everywhere...)
Great post as always,

happy days)


steveroni said...

TALL KAY, you are correct, "a hoot at meetings". But I don't TRY to be, it just comes out that way, ya know?

ELI, glad to see you, thanks for visiting, and commenting!

John DeFlumeri Jr said...

It's not only what we know, it's what we do.

John DeFlumeri Jr.

Dulçe ♥ said...

Do you ever sleep sweet peep?
It seems easy the way you present it. Iam glad you are so, so sober and calm and full of life to write such beautiful reflexions and comments on other people's blogs.
Have a magical weekeend!

Anonymous said...

IfI had to attend a meeting of any sort, and you were there, i would never miss it. your amazing, I love how you put life's ups and downs in a place where all can learn from, move ahead, step into the best of the best..

you would make me DO IT.. SMILES

Mary LA said...

I'm something fo a both/and girl myself. Out here we don't do chants and I never heard them in the UK either, so I don't have enough experience to talk --

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

One of the groups I go to likes to be different. They don't chant. And they read A Vision For You instead of the 9th step promises.

I like that wherever I go I can find a meeting of people who are trying not to drink one day at a time, some manage it, some don't...

Some are free, some are burdened still...

Some know God, some know his people...

Some come back... I try to watch for the ones who come back over and over and sit beside them a while... find out what's working... try it...

wolfie185 said...

Great Post Steve, I agree whole heartedly. I like how Tall Kay put it also.

Peace from Nebraska

CiCi said...

Exactly right, I agree that no matter what program you are in, working the twelve steps with a sponsor is working the program. Meetings are good. Fellowship is good. Reading is good. Working the twelve steps with a sponsor is working on recovery.

Ed G. said...

I don't like the chanting because I think it diminishes our effectiveness.

I'm also glad that there is room in this fellowship for all of us.

Blessings and aloha...

Bob Francis, LICDC said...

I have a saying on taking the steps, "The elevator to recovery is out of order, please take the steps!" An old timer in Cleveland says, " if you sit in your garage for 90 days, when you come out you won't be a car, you'll have to do some work first!" Keep it simple. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

Nessa said...

Plans are so helpful and the 12 steps can apply to anyone.

Silly Saturday #4 - Purdie Pyrate's Halloween

Unknown said...

Great post, how true. Taking and doing the steps each day in amazing manners is what has kept me sober and each day I am always amazed to take them as they come.

Thankk you Steve, as always an amazing and wonderful post and yes, I think I am one of the luckiest womenwho have had the pleasure of seeing you at a meeting...you are a "hoot".

Love you,

si tu veux said...

Hey Steve...barely hanging in there and thought of you....idk what to say, just that the thought of your and coming here to read a bit has given me the strength to go to bed, and not ....well, anyhow, thx.

I need the steps more than ever now, maybe that is what I am coming to understand. I can not do this alone.


[mile says hi, she is struggling too. ;(]

THanks for always being there. You and prayer girl have been such a strength to me...thx.

DM said...

Hi Steve!

Yes, we kinda *know* each other, lol. I think we have stumbled across each other over the years, but I am adding you to my blogroll tonight so its not so sporadic!

Thank you for your comment and I hope your loved one is getting through...

Andrew said...

For me, meetings are where I listen to how others are doing in sobriety and either relate or put aside what I hear for future reference. It is fellowship with others who have a desire to not drink today, as do I.

And yes, the steps are given as a suggestion for a program of recovery. What I do with them determines if I am willing to go to any lengths to achieve and maintain sobriety a day at a time.

In the end, it all comes down to my choice in the moment. And what I choose has consequences.

Scott M. Frey said...

when I make a meeting,I find out what to do (the Steps)to stay sober, and what happens to people who don't make meetings...

Syd said...

I wish that others would see that the steps are the way to recovery. In Al-Anon, there are many who come to meetings and read the literature but not as many get a sponsor and work the steps.