Friday, August 15, 2008




Please do not construe the following as a display of my Ego or Pride (although I do have too much of both!). This short story DOES make me proud of God...and proud that I am knowing Him as the Great Friend in my life today.

In November of the year 2001 I found myself, for whatever reason, attending a MEN OF NAPLES meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, a meeting "seldom graced with my presence". -grin-

Background: In November 2007, I had written a note to one of my pigeons, Steve T., in recognition of his sixth anniversary as a member in good standing of Alcoholics Anonymous. His words in response are one of my fondest keepsake memories in AA. And this is for me a reminder, that God CAN write straight--with (e.g., ME) a crooked pen!

IMAGINE! God used my voice to speak to Steve T., the sobering words he needed to hear on that early afternoon of November 22, 2001. Thank YOU, Steve T., for sitting next to me at that AA meeting, and for calling me soon after....as I had "commanded"! --grin-

Here are the words of Steve T:

"Actually Steve, it's 6 years (Ed. Note: Steve T. DOS Nov 4 2001). My 24 hour book has 22nd Nov in the back. We may have met a few days prior to that. On the 22nd I had 18 days. I remember sharing in that meeting that it seemed my only option was to get a cheap motel room and go get drunk. I had told the group that I had a huge monkey on my back. And when I looked around the room at a few of the guys, everyone looked away.

Then, Steve E., you appeared, as if from nowhere, (Ed. note: I was sitting right NEXT to Steve T.) and there was an aura around you, a white light, and I heard angels singing…. Oh OK, maybe not!!! But I’ll tell you one thing Steve E. That was the day my recovery STARTED!

Thank you for carrying the message to me, Steve. Thank you for being there and being my friend. You helped me get through that first 18 months, such a crucial time in my life, and then the divorce et al. You are the first person I ever told anything about me.

I remember that first time I called you. We had a chit-chat for a few minutes, and then you asked "So anyway, how are you?" and I said "Oh, I’m fine"...and then you said "Oh, REALLY!. Hahahahahahah!" And I thought, "Oh shit!"

God really did smile on me on Nov 22nd 2001 and I still thank him every day for putting you there, Steve E."

OK Gang...How often does God give to us, years after the event, such a blessing, as to let us know that He DID use us at one point in time? With me, hardly ever--well, there HAVE been a half-dozen other instances. But, during a 34-year period, that's not many.

It IS true, that now I pretty well realize when I AM doing His will, and when I am NOT! And, as some of you know, I now have a sponsor to let me know, when I'm in DOUBT. Sober today, while writing to my sober friends--YOU! May you all be as HAPPY as me today...gotta go to my morning 'places'. And Thank You, God!


Lou said...

What a beautiful,uplifting story. I hope I can make a difference in a life that needs a "hand up."

Syd said...

I think that God puts people in our lives for a reason. It is His hand that works on these things. We are just the instrument. Thanks for this writing. It is a reminder of what a great program AA is and how powerful God is.

Laura said...

It is amazing, isn't it, when we find out that we're being used in such a way, when all we're doing is what God created us to do. Speaking wisdom in truth and showing you cared has impacted Steve T more than you knew. You probably didn't need wheels today, God let you wear some wings. :)

I'm so happy to read you everyday.

Anonymous said...

That's the good stuff.

Shadow said...

you are GREAT! my wish today? that everone who needs to, may meet their own Steve E.

ttt said...

That's great, Stevie B! And we've all touched so many others' lives but we don't always get a note like that. Many lives that we will never know we touched. We already know you are special here in blogland but like you said, that was God at work.

Thanks so much for the emails. ;o)