Photo is Aspen overlooking Lake City CO
GREAT (small) AA Mettings there!
GREAT (small) AA Mettings there!
Before I continue...how about someone signing up on my "Follow This Blog"?
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OK, I gotta let ya all know...the cataract extraction, and intra-ocular lens implant procedure of the right eye, went VERY well. I am SO HAPPY! And I do not remember ever undergoing a surgical procedure with such a high degree of confidence that everything would turn out so good. It was a breeze--one more next week. It was a real experience for me to completely trust 'in the process'. My gratitude to this blogging community for your supportive Emails, your comforting comments, and your meaningful PRAYERS, is huge! Were I a man of great means, I'd invite each of you (and friends) to a--'nice, with stars'--hotel, somewhere in Texas (you know who you are, Texas!) for a weekend FUNference...maybe THIS weekend, like a "Non-Hurricane" party? Oh! How I'd love to see (and now, I mean SEE!) all of you in one place, and hug every single one, with real hugs instead of {{{}}}.... We would not have to meet, we've done that here. We'd not even have to 'get to know' one another--we've done THAT right here also! We might discover more of our purpose, our prayer-life, our love. And we just might share with each other, in person, our happiness, our sadness, our dreams, hopes, fantasies, ourselves! (Talk about "fantasies"!) I am in heaven just thinking about that whole last paragraph. Just now, I noticed that I have not mentioned our disease, have not once used the words "alcoholic" or "Alcoholism" nor any of the words which might precede the word "Anonymous". We might even discuss a tiny bit -grin- of THOSE experiences while in the great drinking State of Texas. This post is simply a GREAT and HUGE THANK YOU from me to all of you who read here. You DO know my appreciation is like a wonderful mountain in my heart! Steve-eye-roni
I have been thinking lately about how the big AA conventions and conferences will need to start having a section that includes a Meet and Greet of the Sober Bloggers. Being, of course, how great minds think alike (that would be yours and mine ;) you must have been thinking the same thing.
In my neck of the woods, when you mention sober blogging, people get all frowny faced and dismissive; as if a cyber community is somehow lacking in the fellowship fundamentals. How wrong they are.
You are loved.
hey hey hey steve-eye-roni is baaaack!!!!! and he's well!!!!! and he's bright and chirpy!!!! and the doc knew his thing!!!! yipheeeeeeee
you just give the address and i'll be there.... well, maybe not. the highway over the atlantic isn't finished just yet...
but seriously, i'm glad all was successful!
I'm all for a sober party in Texas! It doesn't even have to have "stars" after the name. How great would it be to meet everyone and share our stories, hope and experience. We could have our own blogging AA meeting! I say lets do it! I'll bring the salsa! hehe
So happy for you and the doc. Leaving for Texas in the morning and hoping to go to meetings in San Antonio. Lovely group with lots of love and understanding and oddly enough, sobriety. Take care. J.
That would be a great meeting, would it not? Just that Texas is a long way away.
Thank you for being here Steve. It lightens the load on the journey if I can walk it with others. Hearing them.
I am so glad everything went well.
I would love to have a meet up of all of us, we would have so much fun!
Glad that you have your eye on things again. And we think about you and are happy when you post your good cheer and positive comments on living a full life. The eyes have it!
Lalala..."Wasssss blind....but now.....he' seeeeeessss..... lalala
Well, in a couple of days, anyhow! lol SO glad the surgery went well.
I belong to an online sober forum and we DO get together a few times a year. I have hosted it for 3 years running at my house, once in North Carolina and twice since moving back to the midwest. It's awesome stuff. One year, I had folks from Englan, Scotland and Canada, as well as many here from the states...all at my house. It was nirvana...and we had such fun.
The cyber recovery world is too big to be ignored, and even the Grapevine has run some articles.
Feeling especially blessed to be a part of it. And of f2f AA. And of the human race.
Have a grand day, Stevie!!
All is well - with your eyes, with the world, with AA, with life, with God, you get the picture.
I'm just so happy your surgery was successful, as if you couldn't tell.
I am so glad that the surgery went well and now you can read all my goofiness and see what my talking dogs have to say!
I agree with what Kristin H. says, folks do get frowny faced here over cyber AA anything, but it has become a really vital part of my life. Thank you,I am grateful to of met you!!! God works in wonderous ways and I am grateful!
Glad to hear that your surgery went well.
The Eyes Of Texas Are Upon You....
Well Steveroni, I guess in your case it is the Eyes of Alkyseltzer are Upon You...........
Glad it came out well. It is amazing what they can do to the eye these days.
Glad the eye stuff went so well. I can relate...
Hope you have a good and sober day, matey.
btw - linked you up. Hope that's ok.
Were you doing cartwheels while you wrote that? So glad all went well! (I knew it would) ;)
Oh my goodness....I'm behind on my blog reading and I'm having Steve E withdrawal!
I've had many surgeries but the thought of having surgery on my eyes really scares me. My husband had radial keratotomy years ago and I was like, aren't you nervous?? With all of my surgeries, I wasn't nervous a bit.
So glad it all went so well for you!
You & I can do the cotton-eye-Joe (whatever the hell that is..Oopps, sorry!)
I would sooo be there!!! I'm thrilled to hear that the procedure went well but must admit that I had no doubt that you were going to be fine. It's a God thing. ;0)
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