After two really great AA meetings, Anna and I decided to go for a ride Saturday morning, and motor biked north to Bonita Springs. I had heard there was a "Bonah Feedah" (that's 'bona fide') VIOLIN SHOP located in that area. For many years I have been making an overnight to Miami FL, just to have a couple spots glued on my violin--like the whole top side?!--and maybe have a couple bows rehaired. Notice how now--even after years of being sober--everything is still "a couple of this, a couple of that"! As it used to be, "Your Honor, all I had was a couple beers". Yeah, right-o.
The VIOLIN SHOP, about a half hour ride, is really first rate, owned and operated by a violin-maker-repair man. This is just the type of place I found in my younger years (1950's) in Cincinnati. And I am SO happy about that. Another gift from God, believe me on this!
It so happened that one block away from the violin place is what used to be our favorite ice cream place. It is again our favorite ice cream place! So at 10:30 AM Anna and i were each eating (a 'couple scoops'?) of chocolate ice cream made at home? (Well..."Homemade") This breakfast treat highlighted our ride, and made for us a perfect Saturday morning. Also, the treat served as breakfast and lunch, though the ice cream cost more than lunch would at the Ritz Carleton! (Another lie, but I'll always let you know!)
We have noticed a sign in many 'five-star' ice cream emporiums, "Life is Short--Eat Dessert First". Naturally, I pondered this 'message from my Higher Power'-sigh-and decided it is a good idea, and why didn't I years ago practice this type of dietary habit-change?
That got me to thinking, which is really bad--for me to think. If I wanted to eat less, I could just begin with dessert. After that, hunger pains might cease. I might even practice the habit of taking 'doggy bags' home from restaurants! Never did THAT before. In fact, I could order another dessert, and skip the salad with its mountain of chunky Blue Cheese. I'm feeling more healthy as I write. (Cough, cough!)
Before I get deeper into this food quagmire, and before sunset, I'm gonna go outside and weed a small flower bed. Then maybe I'll return and delete this nonsensical post...............................well, guess not.
Grateful for another sober day in SW FL USA
By your logic, I should be able to get back the svelte figure of my youth by parking my rear at The Royal Scoop and just staying parked.
There's a violin shop in Bonita Springs? Where?
There's a violin shop in Bonita Springs? Where?
Chris, simply click the link VIOLIN SHOP right in the blog, and you'll be taken to the site. OK?
Do you play violin also, along with your real estate gig? You must have come in here via "Bonita Springs"...I'm guessing.
Oooooooo....I LIKE the way you think!!!
You scream, I scream...we all scream for ice cream....
I may have to come down there for a scoop or two. Do they have the old fashioned sugar cones???? I am particular about my cones...
I could eat ice cream for every meal of the day. And listen to a violin. I might go get my daughter's right now and play "Twinkle Little Star" just for kicks. Ice-Cream-o-Roni: the man with the good ideas.
My entire life is a food quagmire. I go the 12 step route when it comes to food. Still losing, still enjoying food, not feeling deprived. 42 pounds so far.
My friend lives in Bonita Springs!
Sounds like you had a nice trip.
Both photos make my imagination whirl. Glad that you had a good SAturday. There's a hog rally here and I thought about you--even though you don't have a hog. There were lots of other Harley's there.
I'm craving some ice cream now. Sometimes AngelSon and I have special nights where we will eat only dessert for dinner!
Steveeroni, icecreameroni, there are four scoops of ice cream in that bowl. Two sccops indeed. My favoriet ICS is Stone Cold Cremery.Ther is one in the Woodlands and I get the biggie sweet creme with a double dash of fresh coconut. YUM. On a waffle sugar cone. YUM YUM. Now damned it, I may have to drive over ther.
Send some over. Pleaseeeeee.
Well, I'll be. I don't play violin but I have one around here somewhere. Collected musical instruments for a while. How will I ever get rid of this piano?
Maybe I came in here because of ice cream...
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