From this man I have learned so much:
Be Serene This Moment
I exist in only one moment at a time. To be serene I only need to be serene during that moment. I create serenity when I think serene thoughts and mentally picture serene scenes. I create serenity when I breathe slowly and deeply and relax my muscles. I create serenity when I vividly remember scenes of being serene. Regardless of how I have been at any given moment later on, I only need to be serene this moment. I should say to myself throughout the day: "Be serene this moment".
Serenity Promotes Harmonious Relationships
Serenity promotes peaceful and harmonious relationships with other people. “As in water, face to face, so too is the heart of one person to another” . When you speak serenely to someone, the peaceful energy puts the other person in a better state, and usually that person will speak more pleasantly to you.
From Rabbi Pliskin’s new book, Serenity
I just felt extra serene today,
so decided to spread it around a bit
--like apple butter(?).
Hope someone who needs it
will read this today....
I did.
Peace and Love, Steveroni
so decided to spread it around a bit
--like apple butter(?).
Hope someone who needs it
will read this today....
I did.
Peace and Love, Steveroni
I really, really love this one Steve.
I'm going to email it to myself so I can save it.
i'll gladly soak this up... thanx!
Thank you for this one Steve. What a great way for me to start my day. :)
For someone running on fast forward, I cannot get enough serenity reminders. Oh & thanks for your "extra counseling",
I'm watching the sun rise over the islands this morning, the oranges and reds and then I read about serenity. Breathing and relaxing. (I am worrying about my addicted kid.)
Thanks for this post. Wait, thanks for all your posts.
I'll take it. Thanks!
hey! pop in my side, there's something there for YOU
I felt serene after reading it. Thanks Steve.
Father-O-Roni...good one :)
Folks, when ya say "Father-O-Roni", PREFIX it with "In the Name of the" for cryin' out loud, dontcha know who this IS?
Sure hope whoever reads THAT knows me well enough... Oh, what the heck.
As always,
humble-a-roni -grin-
Moment to Moment, Day to Day. Thanks for giving me a moment of serenity to start my day. It was so needed. J.
I love that... Thanks for sharing, Steve-a-roni.
Gotta say though... The Rabbi's last name brought up something completely different.
"Snaaaaaake Pliskin..."
Escape from New York. Remember?
Hugs - PP
Thanks for sharing this.
Oh I loved this post and cannot thank you enough, my day has been a bit hectic, but this was just the perspective I needed.
Thank you...
What a wonderful message. Thank you!
Oh, serene-o-roni...
You've done it again. That was beautiful.
I'll look for that book!
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