(This'll crack you up--you know who you are!)
(Shakespeare's original title, before he
decided to remove the word "more"!!!)
(Shakespeare's original title, before he
decided to remove the word "more"!!!)
Hurricane Ike, Sunday afternoon September 7, 2008...Ya never know where it is going, ya do not have the slightest clue how strong (what category) it'll be when it makes landfall. And ya have NO IDEA what damage it'll do, how many lives it'll affect, how many people it will KILL! The one factor known about a hurricane IS it's capabilities for destruction!
So like a hurricane was I, 'back-in-the-day'! I felt supernaturally full of strength, yet a good chilly wind would have me withered, incapable of decisive action, or intelligible word. After I had been reduced to Tropical Storm status (Sheeesh!), producing none but a mess of soggy, breezy, soaked days and nights, there was but one more rung down the ladder...DEPRESSION!
Depression: Noun, c. A lowering in amount, degree, or position. That was me, THAT WAS ME! Well, that is NOT me today. I have been sober since the night before my first meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, March 18, 1974. Since that time, "...these lips have not touched alcoholic spirits!" as they say -grin- ...but these lips have touched a lot of OTHER spirited things they might have should not -VERY BIG GRIN- OH! I mean, like the time I licked ice off the handle of the well pump, outside in 15 deg below zero F. Ouch! Or the time(s) I sipped muriatic acid out of a vat in the hayloft ...there were other lip moments-- well, you get the picture.
Then 'they' told me (always wondered who is 'they'?) to "..act out the symptoms of radiant happiness, and your depression will leave." Well, I tried that with little success. Hell, I didn't even know what 'they' were talking about--and didn't think 'they' knew, either.
Then, along came this Big Book, and it read: "There are those, too, who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, but many of them do recover...." Well, THAT was me! And now I'm reading there is a way out of my chaotic situations. It's called Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, a program for recovery from a hopeless state of mind and body (and soul?), called alcoholism. I am here to say, It WORKS. It worked. I'm still here, that's how I know it works. And I'm HAPPY, that's how I know it works. And I'm FREE, that's how I know it works. And I am now riding--instead of in the eye of a hurricane--on a Tropical Heat Wave, of Love and Service to others. and of humble gratitude to God.
I need to read your blog more often...
aaah, i think i'll join you on that tropical heat wave of love if i may...
i'm thinking about you and said a prayer for both you and your doctor!
Love your style. Beautiful prose. Shakespeare - watch out!
God be with you and and your Docs today!
I'm praying without ceasing.
Great post.
Let us know how you are doing later, Steve-o-Stormy.
Well, today is the big day and soon it will all be over with! Prayers and hugs sent to you this day!
Another winner of a post. Thanks for the analogy (that is an analogy, right?)
Thinking about you. Hey! Probably too late to ask, but do you think they would let you take the cataractous lenses home in a jar as a keepsake? That would be kind of cool. Or not. Ok, I'll shut up now...
Take care!
In my prayers.
Service does show me so much about myself as I work with others. Best part is I am not unique. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
On a journey with all of you! Staying sober, one day at a time.
I love your posts and how you link things together. Hope all goes well today.
When I was in a rehab at age 13 the Docs threw meds at me to try and "FIX ME." I hated this Doctor because he thought his way was best. I told my parents I knew I needed treatment but to PLEASE let me switch docs. He did horrible things to me. I later learned that I wasn't the only one and that he was tried in a court of law for false memory implementation, insurance fraud, destroying lives and many other things. He's now practicing medicine in a Prison and this just pisses me off. When patients are depressed or going through issues, family members believe the doc instead of the patient. This has caused much grief in my life that I struggle with on a daily basis. For fun, google Dr. Richard E Seward, Houston Texas. This was Dr. that almost destroyed my life. Thankfully, even during the worst time of my life, Iknew better than to let this man control me.
I made a trifle that ended up like that picture. Tasted fine, though. :)
Hope you're having a good day today.
And no matter what the hurricane you will be safe...blessings
It is hot here. I always liked that song Heat Wave--remember that? Hope that you will be spared further intrusions into your serenity via hurricanes.
Srings Shadows is where is all started. Maybe all those memories today explains my foul mood!
Hey Steveroni - by now your eye surgery should be history and very successful. As always a good post.
Please let us know how your surgery went. Still in my prayers.
Great blog...wanted you to know that I had a friend, lost an eye as a young girl and had a glass eye that she would take out and chase children with! "Got my eye on you!!" She'd scream as she chased them around.
(Guess you won't have THAT much fun). Glad the surgery went well. Good to be here and you can count on my return!!
Here here to the twelve steps! I had a strong feeling months ago that I needed the 12 steps for weight and for Alanon. I thank God for that strong feeling and for all of the joy it has brought to my sometimes chaotic life!
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