One of these gorls is my daughter.
I'm Going on 3.5-hour bike ride
to visit her Monday and Tuesday
NOTE: Thank you to all who commented yesterday on my blog, also to those who read about the girl's suicide...and prayed with me. This is indeed a program of unselfish giving, and receiving...love.
NOTE 2: Leaving early Monday morning to visit my Firefighter/Engineer/Acting Lieutenant daughter, Kathy. Gonna 'bike' up there, about 3.5 hours, and have fun...maybe go to a meeting there.
Met a guy in church. He was sitting there, next to his--I guess--wife. I had asked him to please hand in my envelope with his own. He asked me why I don't ever play violin at the earlier mass? So I told him I go somewhere else real early in the mornings, EVERY morning. I said to him, "I'd tell you where I go, but it's an 'anonymous' place".
I smiled. He smiled.
Then he blurted out, "Are you a friend of (yeah -grin!) Bill W?" Turned out, he is sober 18 years, we just go to different meetings. It shows me how AA in Naples, FL has grown since I went to my first meeting--there were four of them each week here then. Now there are nearly 300 in the area, and it is true, just like in any of the larger cities--one can hide, become completely lost now in AA rooms here.
That's another reason a HOME GROUP is so important to me--and people I sponsor--these days. When I came into AA in Naples, everyone knew everyone else, and if ya didn't see someone for a week or two, the gossip mill generally routed or lured that person out of whatever lethargy, and back into the meeting hall.
These days I must--no, I WANT to--belong to a home group. They know all about me there--the good, the bad, the ugly..and I am all three! What a wonderful thing to be accepted into a group of 80-90 people.
These are men and women who stay silent while I ramble on about one thing or another. God, I pray for them--to not get tired or bored with me...but they probably would still listen, or in politeness, pretend. Paranoiac me: I wonder if they were just pretending this morning? -grin!
I am grateful that:
1. If they don't listen to me now--I'll kick their butts!
2. I'm still able to kick their butts
3. I do not have to prove that
4. My bike gets 50 miles per gallon
5. I don't really care how many mpg it gets--I just L.O.V.E. it still, (or moving!) -grin
6. Little things don't bother me any more. HEY! WHAT DID YOU DAMN SAY????!
7. I belong to Two Home groups, a daily, and a weekly meeting
8. I only get to vote in one of them
9. Whichever I choose is OK
10.Dentist was nice to me
11. I could pay him
12. I could tell him it was too much--$350 for each filling
13. Bloggers visit my blog once
14. Some even return
15. Two friends were going to quit blogging, now are staying...I pray!
16. The blogging 'crews' from Texas, Colorado, Canada, W VA, Michigan, Illinois, NC, SC, England, S Africa, Ohio, North East, Missouri, Australia, Bahamas, Caleefohniah, Utah, and other places are all so wonderful!
17. We can trade news, views, reviews and stories, and still be friends
18. I've not met face-to-face a single blogger--wait! am I grateful for that? NO WAY! (except for one!)
19. My daughter is an 'acting' Fire Dept. Lieutenant, next in line...
20. My son is supervisor in a large company
21. My wife, family, are healthy
22. My AA family--I see them every day, and love them--sometimes!
23. Least, but not last--NO! that wasn't stated correctly, oh, well! MY SPONSOR!!!
24. My early morning meetings...and mass...and sponsees...computer, Cat-Bert, etc., etc.
See, I kept the number under 25, right? Well, almost.
I'll be back Blogging on Wednesday March 11, 2009.
No computers where I'm going. OK?
In love and service,
Steve E.
I smile when I read your posts. Thanks for your positive attitude - it cheers me up. Hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter.
You're right about home groups. I spent a few years wandering from group to group, and never got the accountability that I have now.
Eli, I believe you have 'comments' turned off on your blog. If that's a mistake, please take care of it...if not an error, c'est la vie.
At any rate, I need your Email address or some way to reach you. Send to fiddlemn@naples.net Thanks!
Steve E.
you are sounding extra-happy today. enjoy your ride and be safe!!!
May 'the force be with you' and your 'bike' on the way up and back and while with your daughter.
'GORLS DO RULE'!!! ---- VBG-
It is amazing what I miss when I leave this place for even a few hours. My sympathies for the loss of D. Some are just beyond human aid, hard for me to accept. I have experienced it and it hurts. BIG.
Thank you for the list. I need to write out one myself. J.
Always get a grin out of your posting Steve and for that I thank you.
June sounds like a plan for my husband and I - I will email and copy you on it - Annie.
I love being happy and I love gratitude lists!!
Thank you for sharing so much. I gain a lot of insight and support just by coming here. Thanks for being there for me always, where ever I am. Hugs to you Steve. You are an important person to me. I am glad to share me with you. Please read my post and post a comment to my dear Aunt if you can. She is amazing, I love her so much. Comment on Women Doing More. THanks.
I just found your blog from reading some of my favorite bloggers favorite blogs....and so on and so on....
I love your blog and glad I stumbled onto it!
Have a wonderful visit with your little gorl.
Hi Steve, your old friend Larry Van. My oldest daughters name is also Kathy. And so is my old girl friend Ibby Royers daughters name.
Hey Steve. Hope you are doing well. I left a comment on Prayer Girls blog about a post that I have been working on that I would love for you to read. I hope all is well with you. mile 191
I hope that you have a great time. I'm glad that you are visiting your daughter. Ride safely.
Hi Steve - I came to your site via Rhi's. I have read a few of your posts and really appreciate them. They reminded me of going to a few AA meeting with a very talented friend in NYC. It's a beautiful thing to have support and I am grateful that you provide such here. Many blessings to you.
By the way, I love your choice of music. I am a trained opera singer and enjoy classical music very much. In fact, I enjoy many musical genres. Of all the instruments, the cello is probably my favorite. Ever heard Villa Lobos' Bachianas Brasileria? A single voice and 8 celli! Wow!
All the best to you and those who visit here. It's a place of healing, support and love.
Thank you for your service. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"
"All things are yours."
Prayer Girl, thanks for the invite to your house while Steve-O is gone, and yes the Chippendales will be able to make it.
Opps,wrong blog!Just kidding,*grin*
Lou, are Chippendales a breed of horses? (More 'ooops'!!!) No, that's Clydesdales...
Steve E.
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