Tuesday, March 31, 2009


steveroni SR. b DEC. 1905---d APRIL 1, 1978

This is the inspired spontaneous writing of Nancy, upon hearing of my father Steve E. Sr's., death. Almost every word in this writing was taken out of Pop's final typed letter--March 25, 1978--to us.
Pop was deaf and blind.

Written 4-4-78: In memory of Steve E Sr. who died 4-1-78

In the spring
You called him home

Crocus bloom
Buds are springing

He spaded and planted,
Daffodils and tulips still growing

In the spring
You called him home

New birth for us all,
Wild animals and birds

Pear tree much alive,
Thanks again

In the spring
You called him home

Blind and Deaf
He sees and hears

Crocus Blooming
Buds are springing

In the spring
Of the Risen Christ
You called him home.


Bloggers, there is one more, these mean so much to me, as does the memory of this man--my father, who died on April Fool's Day 1978

4-4-78 In memory of Steve E Sr.

God, You took my friend
I love him so...

He was a God-like man
But that You know.

You took him in the spring
About the time You took
Your Son.

He was blind and deaf, Lord
You gave him such a
Huge Cross.

But Pop never HAD a cross.
ASK him.

He loved Your world
And he saw it with
Your eyes, Lord.
He saw it with love.

It's a lonely-looking world
Now, Lord
I'll close my eyes, Lord
From time to time
Maybe I can see
What Pop saw.

You were right, Lord
"The blind shall see."

Please Lord, tell him I miss him so.


In LOVE and service,
Steve E.


Mike Golch said...

this is a great posting.

Judith said...

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing those here. I think there is much of your father in you.

One Prayer Girl said...

A beautiful tribute for a beautiful man I never met. I meet him through the eyes - through the words of those who did know him.

God bless the memory of Steve E Sr. - "Pop"!

God bless his son, Steve E Jr.

Prayer Girl

Queenneenee said...

awesome Steve, He sounds like he was amazing. I miss my daddy too. Have a great Wednesday!

Just Be Real said...

Stevie what an awesome tribute to a man you loved so much. Thank you for sharing this part of your life! Blessings dear one!

Wait. What? said...

Wonderful writing reflecting the beauty of a man.

Ed G. said...

Coming up on the anniversary of my father's death so these sentiments have been on my mind as well.
Thanx for the inspirations...

Blessings & aloha

Shadow said...

what beautiful words!

Syd said...

Wonderful thoughts about your dad, Steve. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Thank you!!!

A. Miles said...

Beautiful share. I recently lost my father. I appreciate the connection between spring and everlasting life and peace.

Lou said...

Really nice tributes. Thanks for sharing.

Rainbow said...

Steve - what a beautiful tribute! it will be 9 years on the 6th, that I lost my brother...but not once, until now, did I equate the time of his death to Spring and rebirth...I thank you for that. safe hugs to you

Unknown said...


Sharon said...

A very nice tribute!