Tuesday, August 4, 2009


THERE'S SICK....AND THERE'S SICK!!! Since it is now a thing of the past, I will tell you a short story--naturally, all about...ME! The following will let you know something about me, which I have always known. I am a dumb Jackass.

Our temperature yesterday was about 95 deg, and a hot and sunny day it was, so I decided to get rid of a few unwanted, non-native trees out back. Why could I not have waited until a nice 75-degree morning to do the work which has been wanting forever?

To shorten this, I'll just tell you I got heat exhaustion, which I've never experienced before. Last night I had fever almost 102, "body all achin' and racked with pain"--real debilitating pain, could not walk. And the chills, just shakin' and bakin'. It was all I could do to get out a blog --grin!!!

This morning, after 10 hour sleep, the same, still the fever, and fell down twice on my way to the computer. (Through sleet and snow, and rain, etc.) I just could not walk. No, I was NOT drunk, youse guys! But for me it sure did recall those days, when after drinking a gallon of White Port, I just could not stand up...

4 more hours sleep, and suddenly I'm OK. What a blessing, to be OK! Physically and mentally...well, at least physically? Here is Tuesday afternoon, and I'm going to a meeting. Seems like it's been a week--yet, I attended a meeting only last night!

So, I do not get "sick" any more...but I'll sure steer clear of "heat exhaustion" from now on, drink water, water, water, they tell me...NOW! Because that is as close to sick as I want to come.

I was so happy last night. I thought I was dying, and so I was calmly talking to Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. Then I remembered, something about my grade school days. If we did a certain Novena once a month, we would be guaranteed that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph would be with us at the moment of death. Utter peace and happiness covered me like a blanket, and all seemed well. One day later...all IS well, as it always has been, and will be, forever.

I LOVE you blogger peeps.

I wish the Peace I experience is yours also.


ADDENDA: Tuesday 5:30 PM meeting had about 60 members. But listen...we had four there for the first time ever! And two more "returning". (None of them blood-related: see yesterday's blog -grin!) Isn't it a blessing? To be present at the beginning of that journey for four+two people is exciting to me. And sharing, then talking after, something may have clicked! Ya never know! Only God knows.


Just Be Real said...

Oh wow Stevie! I do hope you are doing better!! I have never experienced heat exhaustion before!! Need to drink those fluids!

Gin said...

Be careful! That is so dangerous. I have had that once and I could not stop throwing-up. I am glad you are feeling better. Maybe wait until February. We might get one or two cooler days by then, right? :-)

dAAve said...

I hope you learned that lesson. It could have been much more serious.

Rickie said...

Glad your feeling better! I just came back from an al-anon meeting where there were 3 new members. I, too, love it when that happens. Even better? One of the newbies was my daughter!

Queenneenee said...

ya, what dAAve said. GEEZ. Next time get your roni ass to the hospital. Cause I said SO.

Cindy said...

Uh..there's this place called the ER....that's where some go when they have such a heat stroke as to actually FALL DOWN! Oh please, balance the hot weather work with lots of water and rest in the shade from now on. I've heard once the heat has got you...it'll get you easier next time. Sigh...be good.

diane d said...

I've been there with a little dehydration thrown in, too. Remember, WATER. i still have to remind myself. I'm glad you're ok.

Tall Kay said...

Some people will go to any lengths to get attention! So glad you're not one of them :} Even more glad you're feeling better and passing it on to the new guys! Praying for you all tonight. Hugs, TK

Judith said...

I'm glad you're ok. Heat exhaustion is no joke. Take care of yourself!!! Don't make me come beat you. ;)

steveroni said...

Tall Karen: I like that "Some people will go to any lengths to get attention!" (like...DIE? --grin!)

VICARIOUS vr: I'm still laughing. "You're gonna come to Naples and beat me!"

You just want a place to go when the cold winter winds blow, and swirrling snow is all about!

GIN: there was one day last November when it was cool enough to pull weeds!

JBR: Guess I drank so much years ago I figured it would see me through the winter of life--not so, Babeeee!

dAAve: "ANOTHER" lesson learned. You are right! How many are left?? This is the "year for learning", getting tired of it.

Rickie. There ARE miracles elsewhere then in Naples FL! It IS happiness!

Queeneenie: Okay. I obey.

Diane D: Yes, it's so easy to forget, especially if you're interested what you're doing (and you want to get two days' work done in 3 hours!!!)

Cindy: Ya mean there's a place called er...er...WHAT?

Thanks all, for commentng!

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

I'm so glad you are healing from yesterdays exploration into heat exhaustion.

God be with you today and continue the healing as you continue work for his Purpose! Isn't it great!!!

You know what sticks with me from childhood and always seems to work? (speaking of talking to Jesus, Mary and Joseph)

Now I lay me down to sleep...
I pray the lord my soul to keep...
if I should die before I wake...
I pray the lord my soul to take...

That has been with me all along, and in the darkest hours I said it (just in case) and ya know what?

So far, it works!

Thank GOD!

Who knew that those things which were Truth could stick with us through all that garbage hauling?

Much love and many blessings of healing to you Steve-a-roni!

Ed G. said...

Steve - been there with the whole heat exhaustion thing and I agree that it's bad - really bad.

What I found is that, once it has happened to you, it seems like it's more likely to happen to you in the future. I can't get by with what I remember I once was able to in terms of heat. Now, if I don't wear a hat, don't drink the water or stay in the heat a fraction as long as I used to, I pay a high price.

I hope it all works out ok for you.

Blessings and aloha...

Lou said...

I had heat exhaustion once in Scottsdale, Az. I didn't fall down, but I was stumbling by the time I got back to the resort. It is a lesson we won't forget, right Steve-O-Sunbright.

Syd said...

I've had heat exhaustion after a 25 mile cycling ride in 100+ weather. I felt light headed, cold and clammy, and nauseous. But the feeling passed once I stopped riding and got some fluids. Best to not mess with those non-native trees when it's that hot.

Shadow said...

that sounds awful. living in sa, with sunshine, sunshine and more sunshine, i've been warmed about it, but, touch wood, have never experienced it. and i never want to, hearing your story. i'm glad you're better!

Di-Git said...

Thanks Steve
Hope you feel better soon

Anonymous said...

wow! What a temp you had and so high. But, God is good and I am glad you are okay.

God bless my friend and keep writing!

hannah said...

Oh I've been there. Many years ago after a day at Disneyland standing in too many lines for too many hours under the blazing sun. It was a horrible feeling. Continue to get lots of rest, your body probably still has some recovering.